

Try it out

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Quickly prioritize a list of stuff. Infers ordering based on prior input so you never have to compare two things twice. This is an experiment in frictionless user input.

List Input Screen

List Input Screen

The initial screen for the tool. The purpose and first steps are clear.

Ranking Screen

Ranking Screen

The whole page where ranking takes place.

Ranking Widget

Ranking Widget

The two items being compared are shown here. The buttons to perform the comparison are clearly visible, and instructions for hotkeys are provided so the user can compare items with just their keyboard. After an action, an undo button appears to allow the user to reverse the last comparison, returning the tool to its previous state.

Ranking Lists

Ranking Lists

The lists of unranked and ranked items update as the user makes each comparison. Not every comparison will result in a final ranking. Undo affects the ranking lists as well.



After all items have been ranked, the ordered list appears in a text area for easy copying by the user.