
Question Asker

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Efficiently answer yes or no questions about a list of stuff. Another experiment in frictionless user input.

List Input Screen

List Input Screen

The initial screen for the tool. The purpose and first steps are clear.

Question Input Screen

Question Input Screen

Where the user specifies the yes or no question. Clicking the button or hitting enter will advance to the next screen.

Question Answering Screen

Question Answering Screen

The user is shown the question, the item currently the subject of the question, the actions used for answering the question, and the keyboard hotkeys to speed up input. Undo will reverse the previous answer, allowing the user to answer questions quickly without worrying about making a mistake. The page is streamlined to make answering the question as fast as possible.



The results screen shows the list of items split into the yes or no categories. The lists are in text areas for easy copying by the user.